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We recommend installing adaXT via pypi using pip. This can be done using the following command:

pip install adaXT

Alternatively, it can also be installed directly from the github repository:

pip install git+

Some new features might not yet be merged onto the main branch. If you are feeling experimental and want to try out the current development version you can install it with the following command:

pip install git+

Modifying the project and building it locally#

Simple extensions such as adding a custom criteria or predict class can be easily done without any modifications to the base package, as described here and here. However, more involved changes may require changing some of the inner workings of the package. As it is one of the main goals of adaXT to provide an adaptable and extendable package, we have tried to make such changes as easy as possible by keeping the code as simple as possible.

If you want to modify the package itself, you can follow the following steps to download the project and then build it locally.

  1. Download source code: Either you directly download the repository github or you create a fork on github.
  2. Modify code: Modify or extend the code as you please.
  3. Build and install package: From the project root directory you can then build and install the package with the command:
    pip install .
    This will require the setuptools package to be installed. Note that if you added new files or directories you will also need to modify the file accordingly.
  4. Use package: Once the package is installed you can use it in the same way in which you used the original package.

You can also consider creating a pull request, if you think your improvement or extension could be of interest to others.