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Honest splitting#

Decision trees generally use the training data twice during fitting: Once for deciding where to create splits resulting in the tree structure and once to create a prediction for each leaf node.

While such a double use of the data may lead to overfitting, the effect is often negligible, in particular when otherwise regularizing (e.g., fitting a forest or constraining the maximum depth). Nevertheless it can be beneficial to adapt the splitting to improve generalization performance. One way of achieving this is via honest splitting (Athey and Imbens, 2016). The approach was originally developed in the context of causal effect estimation, where the bias is shown to be reduced by honest splitting allowing for inference on the causal effects.

Below we provide a short overview of honest splitting and explain how to use it in adaXT.

Honest splitting in adaXT#

In its most basic form honest splitting consists of dividing the training data into two disjoint subsets; a fitting set, called fitting_indices in the code, used to create a fitted tree and a prediction set, called prediction_indices in the code, used to populate the leaf nodes that are later used when predicting.

This basic version of honest splitting can be performed manually in adaXT by using the refit_leaf_nodes function as follows:

from adaXT.decision_tree import DecisionTree
import numpy as np

# Create toy training data
n = 100
X = np.random.normal(0, 1, (n, 2))
Y = 2.0 * (X[:, 0] > 0) + np.random.normal(0, 0.25, n)

# Split training data
fitting_indices = np.arange(0, int(n/2))
prediction_indices = np.arange(int(n/2)+1, n)

# Fit a regression decision tree using only fitting_indices
tree = DecisionTree("Regression", max_depth=5), Y, sample_indices=fitting_indices)

# Predict on two test points
print(tree.predict(np.array([[-1, 0], [1, 0]])))

# Refit tree using only prediction_indices
tree.refit_leaf_nodes(X, Y, sample_indices=prediction_indices)

# Predict on the same two test points
print(tree.predict(np.array([[-1, 0], [1, 0]])))

Using the refit_leaf_nodes function directly is tedious when fitting random forests. Therefore the RandomForest class has an optional parameter to perform honest splitting. The precise behaviour is controlled by the parameters sampling and sampling_args. Currently there are two version of honest splitting available:

  • honest_tree: In this case, for each tree in the forest, a new split into fitting_indices and prediction_indices is randomly drawn and used to fit and refit the tree, respectively. Unlike in a classical random forest that draws a bootstrap sample, this approaches first for each tree randomly divides the training data into two parts (controlled by sampling_args['split']) and then from each draws a separate random sample (controlled by sampling_args['size'] and sampling_args['replace']). The first subsample (the fitting_indices) is then used to create splits and the second (the prediction_indices) to populate the leaf nodes.
  • honest_forest: In this case, the data is split only once into two parts (controlled by sampling_args['split']) instead of randomly for each tree (note that the split is done without permuting, which means that order in the data may affect results). For each tree a random subsample is drawn for each part (the fitting_indices and the prediction_indices). Again this resampling is controlled by sampling_args['size'] and sampling_args['replace']. This approach ensures a total separation between the data used to create the splits and the data used to populate the leafs. Importantly, this guarantees (for independent training samples) that the resulting random forest weights (extracted using predict_weights) are independent of the samples corresponding to the fitting_indices.