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Decision Trees#

A decision tree is a machine learning model, which is fitted to data and then used for prediction or data analysis. Decisions trees have a tree structure, where each internal node splits the dataset based on a threshold value for a given feature index.

The DecisionTree class is used to create decision trees in adaXT. On an abstract level a decision tree defines two procedures:

  1. Fit: Given training data, create a list of nodes arranged in a tree structure consisting of three types of nodes: (i) A root node, (ii) decision nodes and (iii) leaf nodes. In adaXT the fit procedure is determined by the criteria, leaf_builder and splitter parameters, as well as several other hyperparameters that are common across all decision trees.
  2. Predict: Given test data, create predictions for all test samples by propagating them through the tree structure and using the leaf node they land in to create a prediction. In adaXT the predict procedure is determined by the predict parameter.

For a given application, one needs to fully specify these two procedures. In adaXT, this can either be done by specifying an existing default tree_type or by directly specifying all components manually.

Tree types#

There are several default tree types implemented in adaXT.

  • Classification: For prediction tasks in which the response is categorical.
  • Regression: For prediction tasks in which the response is continuous.
  • Quantile: For uncertainty quantification tasks in which the response is continuous and the goal is to estimate one or more quantiles of the conditional distribution of the response given the predictors.
  • Gradient: For tasks in which one aims to estimate (directional) derivatives of the response given the predictors. A related tree type is used in the Xtrapolation method.

The defaults for each of these tree types is set in the BaseModel class, which is extended by both the DecisionTree and RandomForest classes. Moreover, if you want to create a custom tree type, this can be done by setting the tree type to None and providing all components manually. Each of these options is discussed in the following sections.

Classification trees#

For the Classification tree type, the following default components are used:

Below is a short example that illustrates how to use a classification tree.

import numpy as np
from adaXT.decision_tree import DecisionTree
from adaXT.criteria import Gini_index

X = np.array([[1, 1], [1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, 1],
              [1, 1], [1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, 1]])
Xtest = np.array([[1, 1], [1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, 1]])
Y = [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1]

tree = DecisionTree("Classification", criteria=Gini_index), Y)
print(tree.predict(Xtest, predict_proba=True))

In this example we created and fit a classification tree using training data and then used the fitted tree to predict the response at the training data. When initializing the tree we changed the default criteria to the Gini Index; it is always possible to overwrite any of the default components of a specific tree type. Classification trees use a majority vote in each of the leaf nodes to decide which class to predict and ties are broken by selecting the smaller class. To predict the class probabilities instead of the class labels, one can add predict_proba=True as a keyword argument.

For classification trees it is also possible, using the predict_proba method, to output the proportions of each class instead of only the majority class. That method returns an array with the probability of an element being either of the classes. To get the list of classes (in the correct order), one can use .classes attribute of a fitted decision tree.

Note that in this example, the decision tree was too constrained to fit the data, if one chooses the max_depth parameter larger the tree can perfectly fit the data.

Regression trees#

For the Regression tree type, the following default components are used:

Regression trees work similar to classification trees as illustrated in the following example:

import numpy as np
from adaXT.decision_tree import DecisionTree

n = 100
X = np.random.normal(0, 1, (n, 2))
Y = 2.0 * (X[:, 0] > 0) + np.random.normal(0, 0.25, n)
Xnew = np.array([[1, 0], [-1, 0]])

tree = DecisionTree("Regression", min_samples_leaf=20), Y)

Quantile trees#

For the Quantile tree type, the following default components are used:

Quantile trees are the building block for quantile random forests that were proposed by Meinshausen, 2006. They have the same interface as regression and classification trees, but the predict method takes the additional mandatory keyword quantile which specifies which quantiles to estimate. The following example illustrates this:

import numpy as np
from adaXT.decision_tree import DecisionTree

n = 100
X = np.random.normal(0, 1, (n, 2))
Y = 10.0 * (X[:, 0] > 0) + np.random.normal(0, 1, n)
Xnew = np.array([[1, 0], [-1, 0]])

tree = DecisionTree("Quantile", min_samples_leaf=20), Y)
print(tree.predict(Xnew, quantile=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9]))

As seen from this example, the quantiles do not need to be specified prior to prediction and it is possible to predict several quantiles simultaneously.

Gradient trees#

For the Gradient tree type, the following default components are used:

Gradient trees are a non-standard type of trees that allow estimation of derivates (in the first coordinate) of the conditional expectation function. The provided implementation is a slight modification of the procedure used in the Xtrapolation method. Instead of using the raw response values, we generally recommend to first use your favorite regression procedure (e.g., a regular random forest or a neural network) and use the resulting fitted values instead of the raw response. This has the advantage of first removing noise and then using the gradient tree as an additional step to estimate the gradients.

Gradient trees are similar to regression trees but instead of fitting a constant in each leaf they fit a quadratic function in the first predictor variable \(X[:, 0]\). This allows them to fit quadratic functions in the first coordinate without splitting, as illustrated in the following example:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from adaXT.decision_tree import DecisionTree

n = 200
X = np.random.normal(0, 1, (n, 1))
Y = X[:, 0] ** 2 + np.random.normal(0, 0.5, n)

tree_reg = DecisionTree("Regression", min_samples_leaf=50), Y)
Yhat_reg = tree_reg.predict(X)

tree_grad = DecisionTree("Gradient", min_samples_leaf=50), Y)
Yhat_grad = tree_grad.predict(X,  order=[0, 1])

plt.scatter(X, Y, label='raw data')
plt.scatter(X, Yhat_reg, label='Regression tree')
plt.scatter(X, Yhat_grad[:, 0], label='Gradient tree (order 0)')
plt.scatter(X, Yhat_grad[:, 1], label='Gradient tree (order 1)')

Custom tree types#

It is also possible to manually specify the tree type. This is particularly useful when you have custom components for the tree and do not want to use any of the default classes. To do this simply set tree_type to None and provide the criteria, predict and leaf_builder classes when initializing the tree.

Further functionality#

adaXT provides various additional functionality, each of which is discussed in other sections of the user guide.

  • Tree-based weights: A fitted decision tree provides a similarity notion on the predictor space that has some useful properties. Check out this section to see how this can be used.
  • Visualizations and debugging: There are several function available that can help with analyzing a fitted decision tree.